Elvina took care of three generations

Created by Annie 11 years ago
Elvina has been part of our family for three generations, over a period of almost 70 years. When I was about five years old, my mother asked her sister in Iowa to suggest a woman to come to Wilmette to be a mother's helper. Elvina was in her 20s when she lived with us and at times took care of me and my brother Bob. When I was expecting Al in 1970, my mother suggested Elvina then living in Minnesota to be our nanny. She lived with us for about 13 years, being a second mother to Al and Annie. Then Elvina often came over to visit my mother when she had moved down near me after our father passed away. Elvina would do things for her and go for walks, especially to the zoo to see the elephants and other animals. We loved Elvina and are so grateful for her love and care for us and the inspiration of her life. Sylvia and Tom Decker